SBA Data Analysis & Visualizations

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SBA Data Analysis & Visualizations

datasci-sba (Small Business Association

Data Science Working Group working with the Small Business Administration (SBA) to create interactive applications, models, visualizations, and much more.

This project is part of Data Science Working Group at Code for San Francisco

Project Description

Live links

Contributing DSWG Members

Slack Channel: #datasci-sba

Name Slack Handle Contribution Tech


Fork this repo, then clone your repo locally

$ git clone $ cd <this-repo's-name> $ git remote add upstream Create a feature branch:

$ git checkout -b Do some work:

$ vim When you're ready, commit, merge any upstream changes, deal with conflicts, and push your branch (aka, forking workflow)

$ git add $ git commit -m 'my awesome feature' $ git pull upstream master # solve conflicts $ git push Create a Pull Request from your pushed branch (compare branch) to this repo (base branch) ... Profit!

Project Status live
Civic Topics Economic Development
Skills Needed full stack data visualizations data science predictive modeling
Slack Channel #datasci-sba
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